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Persistence and Change In Hakha Chin Land and Resource Tenure: A Study on Land Dynamics in the Periphery of Hakha. :i-xxxviii,1-158.
2018. Rethinking Land and Property in a “Transitioning” Myanmar: Representations of Isolation, Neglect, and Natural Decline. Journal of Burma Studies. 22(2):171-213.
2018. Salvaging mortgage loans and land title redemption with revolving funds in Thailand. Agricultural Finance Review. 78(1):2-24.
2018. Smallholder farmers’ crop combinations under different land tenure systems in Thailand: The role of flood and government policy. Land Use Policy. 72:129-137.
2018. State of Land in the Mekong Region. :i-xviii,1-190.
2018. Built on Solid Foundations? Assessing the Links between City-Scale Land Titling, Tenure Security and Housing Investment Planning Theory and Practice. 20(3):358-375.
2019. Forest-Land Commons in Laos in the Twenty-First Century: Agrarian Capitalism and the 'Non-Commodified Subsistence Guarantee’. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. 25:1-6.
2019. From rice fields to financial assets: Valuing land for microfinance in Cambodia. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 44(4):749-762.
2019. Gender and Assets in Rural Myanmar: A Cautionary Tale for the Analyst. (IFPRI Discussion Paper 1894):i-iii,1-25.
2019. Is Land Ownership a Key Factor in the Choice of Livelihood in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam? Human Ecology. 47:681-691.
2019. The politics of legal pluralism in the shaping of spatial power in Myanmar’s land governance. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-25.
2019. Protected area co-management and land use conflicts adjacent to Phu Kao – Phu Phan Kham National Park, Thailand. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 38(5):486-507.
2019. The Resilience Agenda in Neoliberalising Cambodia. New Political Economy. 24(4):441-456.
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2019. Breaking with the past? The politics of land restitution and the limits to restitutive justice in Myanmar Land Use Policy. 94:1-10.
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2020. Claiming and re-claiming the Ayeyarwady delta, time and again: The case of Nyaungdone Island, Myanmar. Journal of Political Ecology. 27(1):517-538.
2020. Does awareness about land tenure security (LTS) increase investments in agriculture? Evidence from rural households in Vietnam Land Use Policy. 97:1-10.
2020. The effects of trust and land administration on economic outcomes: Evidence from Vietnam. Food Policy. 94:1-10.
2020. Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure. :i-xvi,1-409.
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