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Hing S, Riggs R.  2021.  Re-thinking benefits of community protected areas in Mondulkiri, Cambodia. Trees, Forests and People. 6:1-11.
Hirsch P.  1990.  Development Dilemmas in Rural Thailand. :1-258.
Hirsch P.  2006.  Civil society and interdependencies: Towards a regional political ecology of Mekong development. Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific: Between Local and Global. :226-246.
Hirsch P.  2001.  Globalisation, Regionalisation and Local Voices: The Asian Development Bank and Rescaled Politics of Environment in the Mekong Region. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 22(3):237-251.
Hirsch P, Mellac M, Scurrah N.  2016.  The political economy of land governance in Viet Nam. :24. (4.72 MB)
Hirsch P, Scurrah N.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in the Mekong Region. :52. (703.1 KB)
Hirsch P, Scurrah N.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR. (November):23. (497.76 KB)
Hoang_Quoc_Chinh _, Nguyen_Thi_Hoa _, Nguyen_Thanh_Hien _, Vu_Thi_Bich_Hop _.  2020.  Challenges and opportunities of the EU-Vietnam Voluntary Partnership Agreement for women and civil society. :1-24.
Human_Rights_Watch _.  2024.  Carbon Offsetting's Casualties: Violations of Chong Indigenous People's Rights in Cambodia's Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project. :118pp..
Hunt G, Leonard SN.  2023.  The struggle for forest tenure in Myanmar: voices from the 2019 forest rules consultation. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):296-314.
