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Re-thinking benefits of community protected areas in Mondulkiri, Cambodia. Trees, Forests and People. 6:1-11.
2021. .
1990. Civil society and interdependencies: Towards a regional political ecology of Mekong development. Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific: Between Local and Global. :226-246.
2006. Globalisation, Regionalisation and Local Voices: The Asian Development Bank and Rescaled Politics of Environment in the Mekong Region. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 22(3):237-251.
2001. The political economy of land governance in Viet Nam. :24. (4.72 MB)
2016. The political economy of land governance in the Mekong Region. :52. (703.1 KB)
2015. The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR. (November):23. (497.76 KB)
2015. .
2020. .
2024. The struggle for forest tenure in Myanmar: voices from the 2019 forest rules consultation. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):296-314.
2023. Project Performance Assessment Report: Lao People’s Democratic Republic Second Land Titling Project. :i-xii,1-48.
2013. The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Lao PDR. (October):i-vi,1-58.
2017. The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Vietnam. :i-vi,1-54.
2017. Gender analysis of land: beyond land rights for women? Journal of agrarian Change. 3(4):453-480.
2003. Power and Political Culture in Cambodia. Asia Research Institute. :1-28.
2013. Improving governance of tenure in policy and practice: The case of Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 100:1-12.
2021. Contesting land grabs, negotiating statehood: the politics of international accountability mechanisms and land disputes in rural Cambodia. Third World Quarterly. 41(9):1615-1633.
2020. Climate change and land: Insights from Myanmar. World Development. 129:1-11.
2020. Public participation, land use and climate change governance in Thailand. Land Use Policy. 52:511-517.
2016. Analyzing the enabling environment for transforming forest landscape conflicts: the example of Lao PDR. Land and Poverty Conference 2017: Responsible Land Governance—Towards an Evidence-Based Approach. (March):1-27.
2017. Getting the positives out of forest landscape conflicts. Unasylva. 67(247-248):45-51.
2016. Mega-Plantations in Southeast Asia: Landscapes of Displacement. Environment and Society. 10(1):63-82.
2019. Variegated transitions: Emerging forms of land and resource capitalism in Laos and Myanmar. Environment and Planning A. 53(2):1-19.
2021. Governing Dispossession: Relational Land Grabbing in Laos. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 108(3):679-694.
2018. Governing Land Concessions in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :96-109.