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Brakke G.  2023.  Ambivalent insurgencies: Citizenship, land politics and development in Hanoi and its periurban fringe. Urban Studies. 60(6):1123-1138.
Diepart J-C, Il O.  2023.  Communities at the Core of Protected Area Management: Learning from customary tenure documentation experiences in Cambodia. (MRLG Case Study Series #8):1-31.
Hoang_Huu_Dinh _, Basnet S, Wesseler J.  2023.  Impact of Land Tenure Security Perception on Tree Planting Investment in Vietnam. Land. 12(2: 503)
Baird IG.  2023.  Indigenous communal land titling, the microfinance industry, and agrarian change in Ratanakiri Province, Northeastern Cambodia. Journal of Peasant Studies. :27pp..
Diepart J-C, Scurrah N, Beban A, Gironde C, Campbell NY.  2023.  The recognition and formalization of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region: a Polanyian perspective. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):211-226.
Knapp RKuyakanon.  2023.  Shifting Sands, Land from the Sea: A Microhistory of Coastal Land Titling in Thailand. Ethnos. :1-21.
Suhardiman D, Phayouphorn A-M, Gueguen A, Rigg J.  2023.  Silent transitions: Commercialization and changing customary land tenure systems in upland Laos. Land Use Policy. 126(106541):1-9.
Kenney-Lazar M, Suhardiman D, Hunt G.  2023.  The spatial politics of land policy reform in Myanmar and Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(4):1529-1548.
Beaulieu A, Leblond J-P, Déry S, Cao H.  2023.  Urban air pollution anxieties, forest conservation, and farmland expropriation: State territorialization in the uplands and highlands of northern Thailand. Land Use Policy. 131:106687.
Martignoni JB, Gironde C, Prügl E, Tsikata D.  2022.  Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food: Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. :290.
ASEAN_Secretariat _.  2022.  ASEAN Guidelines on Recognition of Customary Tenure in Forested Landscapes.
Hackman R.  2022.  An Assessment of Customary Tenure Systems in the Lao PDR. World_Bank. :83pp..
Hien_Trung_Phan _, Spitzer HD.  2022.  The Constitutionality of Compulsory Land Acquisition in Vietnam: Issues and Recommendations. Law and Development Review. 15(1):147-168.
Toai_Nguyen _, Lawler S, Paul W.  2022.  Exploring Distressed Cashew-Nut Farmland Rentals Among Ethnic Groups in Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam. Rural Sociology. 87(2):370-392.
RECOFTC _.  2022.  Gender, tenure and customary practices in forest landscapes. :1-71.
Somphongbouthakanh P.  2022.  A Glimpse into Women's Customary Forest Tenure Practices in Lao PDR: Access, Use and Management Rights of Women in Customary Tenure Systems in Mai District, Phongsali Province. MRLG Case (May):30pp..
Diepart J-C, Boutry M, Venot J-P.  2022.  Irrigated Land Tenure in Myanmar and Cambodia: The state, the market... and smallholders!. :1-11.
Gawthorpe AJ.  2022.  Modernization, Agricultural Economics, and U.S. Policy towards Land Reform in South Vietnam. International History Review. 44(2):282-299.
Erni C, Deligne A.  2022.  Restoring Land Rights: Pathways for the recognition of customary tenure in Myanmar. (Thematic Study#13):1-55.
Phuc_Van_Phan _, O'Brien M.  2022.  Is small beautiful? An empirical analysis of land characteristics and rural household income in Vietnam Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 66(3):561-580.
Faxon HOliva, Goldstein JE, Fisher MR, Hunt G.  2022.  Territorializing spatial data: Controlling land through One Map projects in Indonesia and Myanmar. Political Geography. 98(March):102651.
Brugman J.  2022.  Uncovering the individual/collective divide in planning responses to informal settlements as a structural cause of tenure insecurity in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. International Development Planning Review. 44(4):411-434.
Dwyer MB.  2022.  Upland Geopolitics: Postwar Laos and the Global Land Rush. :250pp..
