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Nhung_Pham_Thi _, Kappas M, Wyss D.  2020.  Benefits and Constraints of the Agricultural Land Acquisition for Urbanization for Household Gender Equality in Affected Rural Communes: A Case Study in Huong Thuy Town, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. Land. 9(8):1-19.
Tiwari P, Stillman GB, Yoshino N.  2020.  Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure. :i-xvi,1-409.
Nam S.  2020.  Fiction, fraud, and formality: the legal infrastructure of property speculation in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 52(3):364-377.
Malaitham S, Fukuda A, Vichiensan V, Wasuntarasook V.  2020.  Hedonic pricing model of assessed and market land values: A case study in Bangkok metropolitan area, Thailand. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 8(1):153-162.
Duong MTT, D. Samsura AA, Van_der_Krabben E.  2020.  Land conversion for tourism development under Vietnam’s ambiguous property rights over land. Land. 9(6):1-24.
Quang_Nguyen _, Kim D-C.  2020.  Reconsidering rural land use and livelihood transition under the pressure of urbanization in Vietnam: A case study of Hanoi. Land Use Policy. 99:1-13.
Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO), Network(CYN)Cambodian_, Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Sahmakum_Teang_Tnaut(STT).  2020.  Smoke on the water: A social and human rights impact assessment of the destruction of the Tompoun/Cheung Ek wetlands. :1-43.
Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO), Cambodian_Youth_Network(CYN), Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Sahmakum_Teang_Tnaut(STT).  2020.  Smoke on the water: A social and human rights impact assessment of the destruction of the Tompoun/Cheung Ek wetlands. :1-43.
Güneralp B, Reba M, Hales BU, Wentz EA, Seto KC.  2020.  Trends in urban land expansion, density, and land transitions from 1970 to 2010: A global synthesis. Environmental Research Letters. 15(4):1-13.
