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Deininger K, Selod H, Burns A.  2012.  The Land Governance Assessment Framework: Identifying and Monitoring Good Practice in the Land Sector. :i-xvi,1-147.
Quang_Nhat_Bui _, Trung_Xuan_Hoang _, Minh_Khac_Nguyen _, Trung_Tien_Nguyen _.  2020.  Land fragmentation, women empowerment and school dropout of children in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 97:1-12.
Tuyen_Quang_Tran _, Huong_Van_Vu _.  2019.  Land fragmentation and household income: First evidence from rural Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 89:1-8.
Lestrelin G.  2010.  Land degradation in the Lao PDR: Discourses and policy. Land Use Policy. 27(2):424-439.
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Thi_Ha_Thanh_Nguyen _, Thi_Quynh_Nhu_Thai _, Van_Tuan_Tran _, Thi_Phin_Pham _, Quang_Cuong_Doan _, Khac_Hung_Vu _, Huong_Giang_Doan _, Quang_Thanh_Bui _.  2020.  Land Consolidation at the Household Level in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Land. 9(6):1-22.
Huy_Quynh_Nguyen _, Warr P.  2020.  Land consolidation as technical change: Economic impacts in rural Vietnam. World Development. 127:1-11.
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Alternative_ASEAN_Network_Burma(ALTSEAN).  2014.  Land Confiscation in Burma: A Threat to Local Communities & Responsible Investment. :1-8.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2011.  Land Concessions, Land Tenure, and Livelihood Change: Plantation Development in Attapeu Province, Southern Laos. :1-47.
United_Nations_Special_Representative_of_the_Secretary-General_for_Human_Rights_in_Cambodia _.  2004.  Land concessions for economic purposes in Cambodia: A human rights perspective. :1-86.
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Spiegel S.  2016.  Land and 'space' for regulating artisanal mining in Cambodia: Visualizing an environmental governance conundrum in contested territory. Land Use Policy. 54:559-573.
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Gironde C, Peeters A.  2015.  Land Acquisitions in Northeastern Cambodia: Space and Time matters. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (24):i-iii,1-29.
Schönweger O, Messerli P.  2015.  Land Acquisition, Investment, and Development in the Lao Coffee Sector: Successes and Failures. Critical Asian Studies. 47(1):94-122.
Sun_Sheng_Han _, Kim_Trang_Vu _.  2008.  Land Acquisition in Transitional Hanoi, Vietnam. Urban Studies. 45(5&6):1097-1117.
