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Hua X, Kono Y, Zhang L.  2021.  Excavating agrarian transformation under ‘secure’ crop booms: insights from the China-Myanmar borderland. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-30.
Riggs RAnne, Langston JDouglas, Beauchamp E, Travers H, Ken S, Margules C.  2020.  Examining Trajectories of Change for Prosperous Forest Landscapes in Cambodia. Environmental Management. 66:72-90.
Amnesty_International _.  2011.  Eviction and Resistance in Cambodia: Five women tell their stories. :1-63.
Rose-Jensen SR.  2017.  “Everything We Do Is Democracy”: Women and Youth in Land Rights Social Mobilization in Cambodia. Journal of Mason Graduate Research. 5(1):1-16.
Kerkvliet BJTria.  2009.  Everyday politics in peasant societies (and ours). Journal of Peasant Studies. 36(1):227-243.
Tiwari P, Stillman GB, Yoshino N.  2020.  Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure. :i-xvi,1-409.
La Viña CSalcedo-, Giovarelli R.  2021.  On equal ground: Promising Practices for Realizing Women's Rights in Collectively Held Lands. :i-iv,1-104.
Elinoff E, Lamb V.  2023.  Environmentalisms in Twenty-First Century Thailand: Continuities, Discontinuities, and Emerging Trajectories. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 53(3):375-397.
Mai_Thanh_Dung _, Nguyen_Minh_Khoa _, Phan_Thi_Thu_Huong _.  2021.  Environmental Requirement Integration into the Land Law of Vietnam. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 16(7):209-217.
Le_Billon P, Lujala P.  2020.  Environmental and land defenders: Global patterns and determinants of repression. Global Environmental Change. 65:1-16.
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Grimsditch M.  2016.  The “Engine of Economic Growth”: An Overview of Private Investment Policies, Trends, and Projects in Cambodia. :i,1-56.
Sturgeon JC, Menzies NK, Lagerqvist YFujita, Thomas D, Ekasingh B, Lebel L, Phanvilay K, Thongmanivong S.  2013.  Enclosing Ethnic Minorities and Forests in the Golden Economic Quadrangle. Development and Change. 44(1):53-79.
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Beringer ALea, Kaewsuk J.  2018.  Emerging livelihood vulnerabilities in an urbanizing and climate uncertain environment for the case of a secondary city in Thailand. Sustainability (Switzerland). 10(5):1-22.
Sekine Y.  2021.  Emerging ‘agrarian climate justice’ struggles in Myanmar. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):517-540.
Giraldo OFelipe, Rosset PMichael.  2023.  Emancipatory agroecologies: social and political principles. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(3):820-850.
Pham KT, Lin T-H.  2023.  Effects of urbanisation on ecosystem service values: A case study of Nha Trang, Vietnam.. Land Use Policy. 128:106599.
Duc_Anh_Dang _, Kim_Khoi_Dang _, Vuong_Anh_Dang _, Thi_Lan_Vu _.  2020.  The effects of trust and land administration on economic outcomes: Evidence from Vietnam. Food Policy. 94:1-10.
Chankrajang T.  2012.  The Effects of Rural Land Right Security on Labour Structural Transformation and Urbanization: Evidence from Thailand. World Institute for Development Economics Research, United Nations University. :1-37.
Saswattecha K, Hein L, Kroeze C, Jawjit W.  2016.  Effects of oil palm expansion through direct and indirect land use change in Tapi river basin, Thailand. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 12(4):291-313.
Jakobsen J, Rasmussen K, Leisz S, Folving R, Nguyen_Vinh_Quang _.  2007.  The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam. Agricultural Systems. 94:309-319.
Agarwal S, Sairorkham B, Sakitram P, Lambin EF.  2022.  Effectiveness of community forests for forest conservation in Nan province, Thailand. Journal of Land Use Science. 17(1):307-323.
Loft L, Gehrig S, Dung_Ngoc_Le _, Rommel J.  2019.  Effectiveness and equity of Payments for Ecosystem Services: Real-effort experiments with Vietnamese land users. Land Use Policy. 86:218-228.
