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2021. .
Scaling the environmental commons: Broadening our frame of reference for transboundary governance in Southeast Asia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 61(2):190-202.
2020. Limits to neoliberal authoritarianism in the politics of land capitalisation in Thailand: beyond the paradox. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. :1-18.
2019. Afterword: Land Transformations and Exclusion across Regions. Kastom, Property and Ideology: Land Transformations in Melanesia. :405-419.
2017. The political economy of land governance in Viet Nam. :24.
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The political economy of land governance in Cambodia. :32.
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The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR. (November):23.
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The political economy of land governance in Myanmar. :32.
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The political economy of land governance in the Mekong Region. :52.
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Titling against grabbing? Critiques and conundrums around land formalisation in Southeast Asia International Academic Conference on ‘Global Land Grabbing’. (April):1-18.
2011. Poverty and Agrarian-Forest Interactions in Thailand. Geographical Research. 46(1):74-84.
2008. Civil society and interdependencies: Towards a regional political ecology of Mekong development. Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific: Between Local and Global. :226-246.
2006. Globalisation, Regionalisation and Local Voices: The Asian Development Bank and Rescaled Politics of Environment in the Mekong Region. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 22(3):237-251.
2001. .
Forests, Forest Reserve, and Forest Land in Thailand. The Geographical Journal. 156(2):166-174.