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Nguyen A-T, Oya C, Beban A, Gironde C, Cole R, Ehrensperger A.  2023.  Agricultural commercialization in the Mekong region: A meta-narrative review and policy implications. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):128-151.
Castella J-C, Lu J, Friis C, Bruun TBech, Cole R, Junquera V, Kenney-Lazar M, Mahanty S, Ornetsmüller C, Pravalprukskul P et al..  2023.  Beyond the boom-bust cycle: An interdisciplinary framework for analysing crop booms. Global Environmental Change. 80:102651Contents.
Diepart J‐C, Kong R, Kou P.  2023.  Cambodian Smallholder Rubber Sector, 2000 to 2021: Trajectories of Change. :57pp..
Ayuttacorn A.  2023.  Chinese Investor Networks and the Politics of Infrastructure Projects in the Eastern Economic Corridor in Thailand. Advances in Southeast Asian Studies. 16(2):233-250.
Thi_Than_Hiên_Pham _, Lynch M, Turner S.  2023.  Creative counter-discourses to the “green city” narrative: practices of small-scale urban agriculture in Hanoi, Vietnam. Local Environment. 28(2):169-188.
Pham KT, Lin T-H.  2023.  Effects of urbanisation on ecosystem service values: A case study of Nha Trang, Vietnam.. Land Use Policy. 128:106599.
Vongkhamho S, Ingalls ML.  2023.  Negotiating the forest-fallow interface: Benzoin trees in the multifunctional shifting cultivation landscapes of Lao PDR. Farmer Innovations and Best Practices by Shifting cultivators in Asia-Pacific. :735-755.
Bon B, Simonneau C, Denis É, Delville PLavigne.  2023.  New research avenues on urban expansion and land commodification in the Global South: Housing, capitalisation, agricultural changes. (September):34pp..
Tim S, Providoli I, Sien T, Yim S, Kim S, Liniger H.  2023.  Strengthening climate resilience of rural communities by co-producing landscape-specific integrated farming systems in Cambodia. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):152-175.
Beban A, Gironde C.  2023.  Surviving cassava: smallholder farmer strategies for coping with market volatility in Cambodia. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):109-127.
Martignoni JB, Gironde C, Prügl E, Tsikata D.  2022.  Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food: Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. :290.
Hien_Trung_Phan _, Spitzer HD.  2022.  The Constitutionality of Compulsory Land Acquisition in Vietnam: Issues and Recommendations. Law and Development Review. 15(1):147-168.
Sopera D.  2022.  Corruption and water governance in the Mekong River Basin. :1-72.
Black B, Anthony BP.  2022.  Counterfactual assessment of protected area avoided deforestation in Cambodia: Trends in effectiveness, spillover effects and the influence of establishment date. Global Ecology and Conservation. 38(May):e02228.
Bauernschuster S, Pichler M, Ingalls M, Thongmanivong S, Gingrich S.  2022.  Discursive and biophysical dimensions of land sparing policies in Laos: Implications for greenhouse gas emissions and food security. Land Use Policy. 120(June):106293.
Belton B, Fang P.  2022.  Hybrid livelihoods: Maize and agrarian transformation in Southeast Asia's uplands. Journal of Rural Studies. 95(October):521-532.
Diepart J-C, Boutry M, Venot J-P.  2022.  Irrigated Land Tenure in Myanmar and Cambodia: The state, the market... and smallholders!. :1-11.
Pichler M, Schmid M, Gingrich S.  2022.  Mechanisms to exclude local people from forests: Shifting power relations in forest transitions. Ambio. 51(4):849-862.
Cole R.  2022.  Prospects and limitations of ‘Responsible Agricultural Investment’ for governing transboundary agri-food systems in Mekong Southeast Asia: Implications for upland maize in the Lao-Vietnamese borderlands. Environmental Policy and Governance. 32(4):362-373.
Faxon HOliva, Goldstein JE, Fisher MR, Hunt G.  2022.  Territorializing spatial data: Controlling land through One Map projects in Indonesia and Myanmar. Political Geography. 98(March):102651.
