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Mekong_Region_Land_Governance _(MRLG), Land_Information_Working_Group _(LIWG).  2021.  Assessment of the new Land Law and Forestry Law in Lao People's Democratic Republic: Focusing on Customary Rights. (April):1-56.
An_Thinh_Nguyen _, Turner S, Kalacska M.  2021.  Challenging slopes: ethnic minority livelihoods, state visions, and land-use land cover change in Vietnam’s northern mountainous borderlands. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 24:2412-2431.
Tuan_Nguyen-Anh _, Duy_Nong _, Leu S, Nguyen_To-The _.  2021.  Changes in the environment from perspectives of small-scale farmers in remote Vietnam. Regional Environmental Change. 21(4):1-17.
Sekine Y.  2021.  Emerging ‘agrarian climate justice’ struggles in Myanmar. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):517-540.
La Viña CSalcedo-, Giovarelli R.  2021.  On equal ground: Promising Practices for Realizing Women's Rights in Collectively Held Lands. :i-iv,1-104.
W. Green N, Bylander M.  2021.  The Exclusionary Power of Microfinance: Over-Indebtedness and Land Dispossession in Cambodia. Sociology of Development. 7(2):202-229.
Huynh_Thi_Phuong_Linh _, Espagne E, Lagrée S, Drogoul A.  2021.  Inequalities and environmental changes in the Mekong region: A systematic mapping. :i-ii,1-54.
Verma M.  2021.  The Issue of Land Acquisition/Grabbing-Induced Displacement in Myanmar: The Exacerbation of the Lives of Rohingyas. :i-ii,1-22.
Rungmanee S, Sautouky S, Maw_Thoe_Myar _, Lapanun P, Hayward D, Hirsch P.  2021.  Migration and Women's Land Tenure Security in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region: Case Studies from Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar. :i-xii,1-74.
Castelli G, Win_Min_Oo _, Di Maggio A, Fellin L, Re V, Bresci E.  2021.  Participatory analysis of sustainable land and water management practices for integrated rural development in Myanmar. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 11(1):26-36.
Erni C.  2021.  Persistence and Change in Customary Tenure Systems in Myanmar. :i-vi,1-58.
Doi_Ra _, Sai_Sam_Kham _, Barbesgaard M, Franco JC, Vervest P.  2021.  The politics of Myanmar’s agrarian transformation. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):463-475.
Pagdee A, Morgan M.  2021.  Reimaging the value of degraded ecosystems: From trash to treasure. Trees, Forests and People. 6:1-8.
Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO).  2021.  Right to Relief: Indebted land communities speak out. :i-iv,1-38.
Asian_NGO_Coalition_for_Agrarian_Reform_and_Rural_Development(ANGOC), Global_Land_Tool_Network(GLTN), United_Nations_Human_Settlements_Programme(UN-H), Makerere_University_School_of_the_Built_Environment(MAK-SBE), Uganda_Community_Based_Association_for_Women_and_Children’s_Welfare(UCOBAC), Village_Focus_International(VFI), Xavier_Science_Foundation(XSF).  2021.  Securing Land Rights of Smallholder Farmers. The Secure Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) Project Experience in Laos, the Philippines, and Uganda. :1-116.
Grant H, Le_Billon P.  2021.  Unrooted responses: Addressing violence against environmental and land defenders. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 39(1):132-151.
Leemann E.  2021.  Who is the community? Governing territory through the making of ‘indigenous communities’ in Cambodia Geoforum. 119:238-250.
