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Mienmany S, Kanowski P, Friis C, Robins L, Smith H.  2024.  Boom and bust: Variegated livelihood pathways among rural households in the banana boom in northern Laos. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 65(3):337-364.
Dayet A, Diepart J-C, Castella J-C, Sieng S, Kong R, Tivet F, Demenois J.  2024.  Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach Agricultural Systems. 217:103953.
Kwon Y, Sath K.  2024.  Decentralisation in Cambodia: A look at current and future environmental and natural resources governance (ClientEarth). :44p..
Betge D, Klümper F, Weigelt J.  2024.  The Elephant in the Room: Land Governance Challenges of Climage Change Mitigation. (May):1-21.
Thinh_An_Nguyen _, Le H, Slack P, Kalacska M, Turner S.  2024.  Forest Tales? Unravelling Divergent Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) Maps and State Narratives in Vietnam’s Northern Uplands Land. 13(1)
Nizalov D, Langdown I, Childress M, Locke A, Kolodiazhnyi I, Burak A.  2024.  Global Security of Property Rights. (October):46p..
Lambrecht IBrigitte, Nang_Lun_Kham_Synt _, Hnin_Ei_Win _, Mahrt K, Khin_Zin_Win _.  2024.  “It doesn't matter at all—we are family”: Titling and joint property rights in Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 139:107089.
Kwon Y, Sath K.  2024.  Legal Analysis: An Examination of Cambodia's Environment and Natural Resources Code (2023) - Changes to Governance of Protected Area and Community Area Management and Remaining Challenges (ClientEarth). :23pp..
Su_Mon_San _, Kumar N, Biber-Freudenberger L, Schmitt CB.  2024.  Policy Evaluation and Monitoring of Agricultural Expansion in Forests in Myanmar: An Integrated Approach of Remote Sensing Techniques and Social Surveys. Land. 13(2)
Beban A, Martignoni JB, Hak S, Hue_Le _, Kongmanila D, Dien_Thi_Nguyen _.  2024.  Towards gender-equitable land policy and lawmaking in the Mekong Region. (Thematic Study No. 15):38pp.
Khin_Htet_Htet_Pyone _, Crego RD, Saw_San_Ngwe _, Saw_Di_Win _, Connette KLaJeunesse, Songer M, Connette GM.  2024.  Understanding the transition of community land use from shifting cultivation to cash cropping in southern Tanintharyi, Myanmar. People and Nature. 6(3):1130-1142.
Castella J-C, Lu J, Friis C, Bruun TBech, Cole R, Junquera V, Kenney-Lazar M, Mahanty S, Ornetsmüller C, Pravalprukskul P et al..  2023.  Beyond the boom-bust cycle: An interdisciplinary framework for analysing crop booms. Global Environmental Change. 80:102651Contents.
Diepart J‐C, Kong R, Kou P.  2023.  Cambodian Smallholder Rubber Sector, 2000 to 2021: Trajectories of Change. :57pp..
Diepart J‐C, Kong R, Kou P.  2023.  Cambodian Smallholder Rubber Sector, 2000 to 2021: Trajectories of Change. :57pp..
Kenney-Lazar M, Schönweger O, Messerli P, Nanhthavong V.  2023.  Governing Land Concessions in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :96-109.
Cochard R, Gravey M, Rasera LGustavo, Mariethoz G, Kull CA.  2023.  The nature of a ‘forest transition’ in Thừa Thiên Huế Province, Central Vietnam – A study of land cover changes over five decades. Land Use Policy. 134(106887)
Knapp RKuyakanon.  2023.  Shifting Sands, Land from the Sea: A Microhistory of Coastal Land Titling in Thailand. Ethnos. :1-21.
Kenney-Lazar M, Suhardiman D, Hunt G.  2023.  The spatial politics of land policy reform in Myanmar and Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(4):1529-1548.
Tim S, Providoli I, Sien T, Yim S, Kim S, Liniger H.  2023.  Strengthening climate resilience of rural communities by co-producing landscape-specific integrated farming systems in Cambodia. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):152-175.
