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Boom and bust: Variegated livelihood pathways among rural households in the banana boom in northern Laos. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 65(3):337-364.
2024. Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach Agricultural Systems. 217:103953.
2024. .
2024. .
2024. .
2024. Global Security of Property Rights. (October):46p..
2024. “It doesn't matter at all—we are family”: Titling and joint property rights in Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 139:107089.
2024. .
2024. .
2024. Towards gender-equitable land policy and lawmaking in the Mekong Region. (Thematic Study No. 15):38pp.
2024. Understanding the transition of community land use from shifting cultivation to cash cropping in southern Tanintharyi, Myanmar. People and Nature. 6(3):1130-1142.
2024. Beyond the boom-bust cycle: An interdisciplinary framework for analysing crop booms. Global Environmental Change. 80:102651Contents.
2023. .
2023. .
2023. Governing Land Concessions in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :96-109.
2023. The nature of a ‘forest transition’ in Thừa Thiên Huế Province, Central Vietnam – A study of land cover changes over five decades. Land Use Policy. 134(106887)
2023. Shifting Sands, Land from the Sea: A Microhistory of Coastal Land Titling in Thailand. Ethnos. :1-21.
2023. The spatial politics of land policy reform in Myanmar and Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(4):1529-1548.
2023. Strengthening climate resilience of rural communities by co-producing landscape-specific integrated farming systems in Cambodia. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):152-175.
2023. Community Protected Areas in Cambodia: Analysis of Legal Framework, Practice and Recommendations (ClientEarth). (April):56pp..
2022. The Prospects for Sustainable Rubber in the Mekong Region: An Assessment of Emerging Initiatives. (Thematic Study No.14):1-36.
2022. Why the Land Consolidation of Vietnam is Incomplete: A Case Study of Binh Dao Commune, Central Vietnam. Geographical review of Japan series B. 95(2):69-82.
2022. Access mapping highlights risks from land reform in upland Myanmar. Journal of Land Use Science. 16(1):34-54.
2021. Challenging slopes: ethnic minority livelihoods, state visions, and land-use land cover change in Vietnam’s northern mountainous borderlands. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 24:2412-2431.