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Property: Mainstream and Critical Positions. :i-x,1-208.
1978. The Limits of Land Reform in Thailand. The Journal of Developing Areas. 16(2):173-196.
1982. Land ownership security and farm productivity: Evidence from Thailand. Journal of Development Studies. 24(1):16-30.
1987. Land Registration and Titling from an Economist's Perspective: a Case Study in Rural Thailand. Survey Review. 29(226):163-174.
1987. Land Policies and Farm Performance in Thailand's Forest Reserve Areas. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 36(3):483-501.
1988. The Thailand Land Titling Project-An Overview. Surveying and Mapping. 49(1):17-20.
1989. Forests, Forest Reserve, and Forest Land in Thailand. The Geographical Journal. 156(2):166-174.
1990. Land tenure and property rights: theory and implications for development policy. World Bank Development Review. 5(1):135-154.
1991. Land, Power and Forest Colonization in Thailand. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters. 3(4/6):180-191.
1993. .
Internal and external discourse of communality, tradition and environment: Minority claims on forest in the northern hills of Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies. 35(3):558-579.
1997. The Politics of Conservation and the Complexity of Local Control of Forests in the Northern Thai Highlands. Mountain Research and Development. 18(1):71-82.
1998. Territorialisation and State Power in Thailand. Theory and Society. 24(3):385-426.
1998. .
2000. .
People in Between: Conversion and Conservation of Forest Lands in Thailand. Development and Change. 31:155-177.
2000. The allocation of forestry land in Vietnam: did it cause the expansion of forests in the northwest? Forest Policy and Economics. 2:1-11.
2001. Genealogies of the Political Forest and Customary Rights in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The Journal of Asian Studies. 60(3):761-812.
2001. Land reform and the development of commercial agriculture in Vietnam: policy and issues. 45th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. :1-21.
2001. Land Tenure in Cambodia: A Data Update. (19):i-v,1-66.
2001. In the Eyes of the State: Negotiating a ‘‘Rights-Based Approach’’ to Forest Conservation in Thailand. World Development. 30(9):1591-1605.
2002. .
Dealing with contradictions: Examining national forest reserves in Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies. 41(2):206-238.